Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Monday, March 22, 2010

What number can satisfy Kimora Lee Simmons.

Kiora Lee Simmons, the tycoon fashion designer, already has three kids.
Kimora Lee Simmons Barbie Doll
She'd like to have one more. But what would be it for this 34-year-old model-turned-mogul.
E.P.T Quick Stick Double
There are her two daughters with ex-husband Russell Simmons and 10 months ago she gave birth to Kenzo, her son with second husband, actor Djimon Hounsou.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kate Gosselin feels lonely. Kate described her situation with King.

CNN's "Larry King Live," Kate insisted that though she asks herself everyday why her marriage ended, what she knows, kate's not telling.

"My main concern is my kids," she told King. "I don't want them to see or hear anything on TV that I didn't discuss with them. We discussed what they need to know at their developmental age group."

Kate, The mother of 9-year-old twins (Mady and Cara) and 5-year-old sextuplets (Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Joel, Alexis and Leah) says she's not dating.

She stressed that she was "not officially divorced" and "too busy," though her husband Jon has made. "I'm not really worried about it," the 34-year-old Gosselin said, "I'm lonely but I'm very busy. Actually, I'm alright."

Kate admitted she's inclined to "freak out about everything," but said that's fading.

"I can honestly say that there is so much on my plate now, that I absolutely cannot react that way to every little thing that comes by-or big thing," she said.



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